Our Clinic

A 3D Virtual Tour of our Modern Dental Office

Have an appointment? Get familiar with our office before your visit with our interactive 3D office walk through below.

Comfort & Convenience

We want to make your experience with Muse Dental as pleasant as possible. Everything from easy online booking, to the wondefully designed environment inside our office ensures you and your teeth leave feeling refreshed.

Online Booking & Digital Reminders

Easily book your appointment online and be reminded when your appointment is coming up. You can see what appointments we have available and book a time and date that suits you.


You can watch your favourite Netflix show during your appointment. Maybe you can suggest some good ones to us as well.

Topical Gels

We use high strength numbing gel to ensure you don't feel the pinch during your appointment.

Air Purification

We take air quality seriously at Muse Dental. That's why we've made the significant investment of purchasing hospital-grade air purifiers, and placing them in the lobby and in EVERY treatment room.

They run continuously, cleaning our clinic air of any particulates and odours, and can scrub an entire treatment room's air volume eighteen times per hour.

We selected the IQAir series for a variety of reasons:

  • Multiple awards and selections: Chosen by the US Olympic Committee for athlete living and training quarters during the 2008 games in Beijing. American Lung Association educational partner. 4x Consumer's Digest Premium Best Buy winner. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health best-in-class Air Purifier.
  • But perhaps most notably, during the SARS coronavirus outbreak of 2003, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority tested numerous air control options that would help reduce the spread of the SARS virus and make for a safer and cleaner environment.
  • Ultimately, the HKHA selected the IQAir HealthPro Plus air purifier to be placed in over 150 of the hospitals and healthcare facilities it manages. This is the same unit we have selected for use here at Muse Dental.


Most air filters meet the HEPA standard of filtering 99.95% of particles down to 0.3 microns. Ultrafine particles like some dust allergens (~0.25 microns), dander (~0.1 microns), smoke (~0.01 microns), and viruses (~0.005 microns) are not filtered by regular HEPA filters.

But lQAir's HyperHEPA filtration is tested and certified by an independent third-party lab to effectively filter 99.5% of harmful ultrafine pollution particles down to 0.003 microns in size! This is 100 times smaller than what is achieved with ordinary HEPA filtration technology and 10 times smaller than a typical virus.

Swiss-made and tested: IQAir has a long-standing history of high-end design, innovation, precision, and reliability. Refined over a half century of business, their quality control measures include individually testing each unit and hand-signing a Certificate of Performance before it ships from their manufacturing facility in Switzerland.

Infection Control

We have the highest standards for infection control. Our equipment is sterilized in medical grade steam autoclaves. All surfaces are completely wiped down after each appointment and we use DryShield and Purvac to reduce droplet splatter.

Digital Intraoral Scans and Impressions

With our iTero Element Scanner, we can digitally capture a detailed 3D model of your teeth and gums. Not only is this process far more comfortable than the old putty based impressions, but it’s faster and can offer a superior clinical endpoint.

We're Looking Forward To Your Visit!

An entirely modern dental experience awaits you at Muse Dental. If you have questions before booking your appointment, then get in touch with us.